Beyond Burnout - Life Management For Working Moms

BB017 - Accepting Your Limitations As A Working Mom



BB017 Quick Show Guide Sometimes it’s tough to accept the limitations of balancing career and family.  The temptation is to think it is possible to have everything you want in both places.  You can still do well in your career and be accomplished.  But the reality is, the time you invest in your family will mean less time you can invest in your career growth. But the investment in family relationships is the investment that pays more dividends in the long run. This episode is based on a listener question.  Listen to hear her dilemma with her work and family responsibilities and how she has struggled with the issue of “can’t I have it all?” HELP ME SPREAD THE WORD! I would love it if you shared Beyond Burnout Podcast with your fellow working moms on twitter.  Click here to tweet some love!  Also pass this on to a friend. Show notes Want some help being all that you can be in 2015?  Join my 30-day Pinterest Challenge.  Lot's of great information and freebies too! Click to find out m