Taco Knights Podcast

Taco kNights Episode 52: The Comic Con Edition with "Morgan Freeman"



Holy leaked trailers Batman! There was a lot of eye candy to chew on the past week! Join us as we talk about the most anticipated events and trailer releases to come out of San Diego (including but not limited to): Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, Deadpool, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens. TLDR; Who is more awesome? Batman or Deadpool? Go! And after we talked about (insert dramatic announcer voice here) MOVIES OF THE FUUUUTUUURE... we talk about MOVIES OF THE PREEESEEEENT!!! Ant Man and Minions...all small things, all small things. Yada, yada, yada... all the things in between, etc. etc. etc... "Morgan Freeman" and the Green Lantern Oath. Enjoy! -.^