Ah Ha!

Happiness: Everyday Strategies for a Happier Life (The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin)



006 - The western world is on a quest for more happiness. As our lives get busier and the pressure rises, it’s romantic to think of quitting your job, leaving your responsibilities behind, and living on a tropical island. But is that really what it takes to be happy? In this episode we explore the root of what it means to be happy, and how even small changes can lead to a big boost in happiness. This week, we’re talking about the book The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. We’ll cover: The Arrival Fallacy - Why it’s false to think you’ll be happier in the future The three different types of fun, and why you need all of them in your life How choosing to be happy is the best way to be happy The top 5 tips we tried from this book that made the biggest difference to our everyday life Download Stephanie’s personal notes for this book and many others at www.theahhashow.com/6