Rising Tide: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast

Rising Tide:An Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Podcast Ep#21 [Ragtag]



Rising Tide: An Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Podcast Ep#21 [Ragtag] Okay. First off sorry this episode is a week late. Technical dificulties and I fucked up royally. So thats my bad. But its here! Minus.. some stuff that sucked... anyways...   In a series of flashbacks, a teenage Ward is seen meeting Garrett at a juvenile detention facility, where he is being held after trying to burn down his family's home. After agreeing to join the secret organization Garrett says he works for, Ward is left in the wilderness alone, forced to survive for months until Garrett returns. Garrett eventually tells him about Hydra's presence within S.H.I.E.L.D., and Ward agrees to join. In the present, the team connects Project Centipede, Garrett, and others to one commonality: Cybertek. Coulson and May infiltrate Cybertek to activate Skye's trojan she left on the hard drive, only to find file cabinets instead of mainframes. However, they learn that Garrett was the first subject for "Project Deathlok", which began in 1990. As such, Garr