Pushing The Edge With Greg Curran

Shaking Up Our Mindsets About Indigenous Students with Surin McGrory - PTE015



They're at the top of all the wrong lists and bottom of all the right lists. Or so our guest thought until she actually started teaching Maori students in a total immersion Maori School in New Zealand. This episode we're challenging the deficit or victim mindsets that often prevail about Indigenous Students. We're painting quite a different picture instead. Our guest, Surin McGrory, Teacher, and Co-Moderator (with Kerri Thompson) of the Twitter Chat - #BFC630NZ. SHOW-NOTES For Complete Show-Links and Resources go to PUSHING THE EDGE - EPISODE 15 There you'll find links to: Surin McGrory, Maori Immersion, and Tips on How to get others onboard with your Social Justice initiatives. LISTEN TO MORE DIVERSITY-RELATED EPISODES OF PUSHING THE EDGE Click the links below to start listening to each episode. How to Navigate Social Justice Issues in the Classroom with Rusul Alrubail Find Your Voice and Really Connect with Jenny Moes Shake Up Your Beliefs & Values with Erin Stevenson SUBSCRIBE TO PUSHIN