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Coach Yourself to a New Career | Alex Harris



Imagine that you have been working at a corporate company for over 11 years and you have put all your retirement savings and plans into this nest egg… and then one day it’s all gone.  Unfortunately, this has happens to people all the time when a company goes bankrupt, gets acquired by another company, the economy goes into a recession, or the stock market crashes.  So what do you do?  Do you give up?  Or do you rebuild and take your life and career into your own hands?! Episode Featured Guest: Alex Harris “Alex Harris” is a Conversion Optimization expert who was stuck in the same situation that I described above.  However, instead of giving up Alex worked hard to rebuild his career and created a lifestyle business online.  Now he controls his own destiny and sets his own hours.  Alex shares how he has taken his expertise with web design and conversion optimization and turned it into a full-time online business.  Alex is a web designer, blogger, optimization coach and podcaster. In This Podcast Episode You Wil