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How to Publish Your Own Book | Farnoosh Brock



A lot of people believe that having an established corporate career and making a 6-figure income will bring you happiness.  I have learned in my life that this is not always the case, because if you’re not passionate or have lost the passion for your job then the money won’t bring you fulfillment.  In this episode Farnoosh Brock shares how she transitioned from corporate America to becoming a full-time online entrepreneur and published author.  Farnoosh reveals how to publish a book using self-publishing and traditional publishing methods to accelerate your credibility, grow your business and help you make money online. Episode Featured Guest: Farnoosh Brock “Farnoosh Brock” had a 6-figure corporate career as an Electrical Engineer, but she decided to escape the rat-race and took the entrepreneurial leap to start her own dream business.  Now she spends her days inspiring others on her Prolific Living website.  She is also a well published author, online business coach, and she shares to her audience how to ma