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Giving Value First Opens New Opportunities for Your Business



Do you want to stand out in noisy crowd?  Are you looking for ways to connect with influencers in your industry?  Do you feel like you’re working hard, but just not getting any momentum with your online business?  In this podcast episode I wanted to share with you the value of “giving without want” and how that mentality can really open new opportunities for you.  I was sitting at Starbucks this morning drinking a Vanilla Macchiato (MMMMmmm Coffeee) and reflecting on some really exciting opportunities that have opened up for my business.  At that moment I was thinking back to figure out where these business opportunities originated from.  I came to the conclusion, that all of them came from a time when I was offering value to someone and asking for nothing in return.  It then dawned on me that I’m sure that other online entrepreneurs who are achieving results online may have similar stories.  I wanted to share their stories with you in this compilation episode. Episode Featured Guests: Doc Kennedy, Navid Moaz