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Combine Offline and Online Marketing Strategies | Amber Hurdle



Many people think that there is only one way to do online marketing and that offline marketing tactics are dead.  But, what if I were to tell you that those assumptions are completely wrong.  In fact, there are many offline strategies and tactics that are still very effective today.  Better yet… what if you could combine the two?  In this podcast episode you will discover how you can combine offline and online marketing strategies to grow your email list, generate traffic and make money online. Episode Featured Guest: Amber Hurdle “Amber Hurdle” is the owner and Lead Executive coach of Moxie Internal Relations.  She specializes in internal communication, employee engagement, internal networking, personal branding, recognition and FUN!  She hosts live coaching events through her dynamic Mega Moxie Leadership Academy.  She also offers 1-on-1 consulting and inspires people through her public Speaking events. In This Podcast Episode You Will Learn: What advice a car salesman can provide that will change your lif