Six Weeks To Fitness

The Dangers of Heating our Food in Microwave Ovens Using Plastic Containers, Episode #164, Dr. Francoise Sidime



Dr. Francoise Sidime is a neuroscientist and assistant professor at the College of Staten Island, Helene Fuld School of Nursing and Wagner College. She obtained her PhD in neuroscience at the Graduate Center CUNY in New York. Francoise currently lectures and teaches extensive skills employed in the field of biology and neuroscience. Francoise is also the founder and president of Ekarus Global Science, a program dedicated to providing academic advancements, mentorship, and research opportunities to high school students in the STEM discipline. Dr. Sidime is also the co-founder of a sister company called PreMedPro, a program that offers pre-med high school students training skills in the field of medicine. Vince Ferguson: Before we get started discussing your research into autism, tell my listeners what inspired you to go into the medical field and become a neuroscientist. Dr. Francoise Sidime: So, there were several reasons, but the one that actually sticks out was my mentor. At the time, when I was trying to p