Gamification Talk Radio

Monica Cornetti - Should Narrative Be a Part of EVERY Corporate Learning Program?



Imagine that you’re asked to create a training program/job aid to address quality control issues within your organization. You could start with flow charts, statistics, and time studies… OR you can create a Quest. Now every problem becomes a challenge to overcome, a mystery to be solved. The focus is on the goal and if the team works together and makes the necessary sacrifices – everyone will be able to achieve that goal. Stories help us to organize and remember information and tie content together. Our brains are hard-wired to think and express in terms of a beginning, middle and end. It's how we understand the world. When a story reaches our hearts, it takes hold of us, and we want to hear more. Our minds remember stories, especially stories with emotions attached, much better than they remember lists, numbers, or concepts. The gamification of learning is more than just building games into learning. It is a systematic process of using strategies that are based on the principles of good game design. Creating