Gamification Talk Radio

Darryn Van Den Berg - Would a Great Gamification Strategy Add Value to Your Corporate L&D?



With Special Guest Darryn Van Den Berg – founder of Passion 4 Development ( – an Organizational Development Company based in Johannesburg, South Africa. In this episode of Gamification Talk Radio, we’ll be discussing How Gamification Increases Value in Corporate Learning and Development.  To increase productivity and improve the bottom line -- savvy corporate T&D executives are quickly discovering the difference between adding Gamification to learning vs. adding GAMES to a learning program. Darryn and his team have applied Gamification to learning programs with some amazing success and we’ll be talking about those success factors today!  You’ll hear: Why learning and development often does not help businesses in increasing their employee productivity and bottom line growth? The difference between Gamification and adding GAMES (simulations etc…) to learning. The challenges the future holds for businesses in their learning requirements and how Gamification is extremely valuable in solving these c