Prince Handley Podcast




To listen, click on pod circle at left of podcast titles.To return to this page after listening, click on back arrow.Intro / Music Purpose of podcast -This is a NEW podcast. You may be familiar with my other podcasts. In this podcast I want to bring you in just a few minutes:      Encouragement      News      Prophecy      A word for today      Some humor My other podcasts -Apostle Talk Voice of Israel Healing and Miracle Podcast Notice -There will be NO show notes in this podcast, unless brief ones due to necessity. My other podcasts have full written test show notes; I don't want to be encumbered - bound up - with notes in this podcast ... just provide a WORD for you to help you, inform you, and "shove" you into SUPER victory! I will try to make the podcasts only about 5 minutes so you can easily download to iPhone if desired. Your friend, Prince Handley Twitter: princehandley Prince Handley Portal: www.princehandley.comEmail: