Real Fast Results For Marketing, Business And Entrepreneurs

How a “No-Content” Book Became a #1 Bestseller on All of Amazon with Michael J. Knowles



Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Today’s special guest is the infamous indie author and publisher Michael J. Knowles.  He is a managing editor and cultural correspondent at The Daily Wire and a recent Yale graduate.  In addition to that, he’s also a fine actor, but right now, he’s best noted as the author of Reasons to Vote for Democrats:  A Comprehensive Guide.  This book became a bestseller on Amazon, and not just a bestseller in one certain category, but the bestseller over all the books on Amazon.  If you didn’t know, this is actually a gag book, filled with almost no content until you reach an extensive bibliography at the end. Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode Coming Up With the Idea for This Book [bctt tweet="I wish there was some elaborate story about how I was going to market this thing & that I knew it was going to #1" via="no"] That really, wasn’t it.  I thought it would be a funny gag.  I was just sitting on the couch with my fiancé, and I sai