Real Fast Results For Marketing, Business And Entrepreneurs

Sell More Kindle Books at Full Price on Autopilot without Constant Marketing with Derek Doepker



Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  If you are an author, especially an eBook author or a Kindle book author, you should be excited because today’s special guest is Derek Doepker.  He has a strategy to share about how you can sell more of your books, for full price, on auto-pilot.  Derek is a #1 bestselling author himself, of several books, including one titled Why Authors Fail.  He also leads hands-on training workshops, courses, and retreats.  Basically, they are there to teach authors how to turn their passion for writing into a sustainable business.  You can find out more about Derek by visiting  Welcome to the show, Derek… Promise: How to Sell More Books without Constant Marketing and Promotion The promise today is: [bctt tweet="I’m going to show you how you can sell more books on auto-pilot without constant marketing and promotion" via="no"] First of all, obviously, if you have books in your business, and you want to generate more royalties, I’ve seen a