Real Fast Results For Marketing, Business And Entrepreneurs

Connect with Influencers and Potential Clients Using LinkedIn with Jimena Cortes



Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  In this episode, you’re going to find out how to use and springboard off of LinkedIn.  Today’s special guest is Jimena Cortes, and she is a marketing consultant who specializes in search engine marketing and LinkedIn lead generation.  We all need leads in our businesses, and LinkedIn can be a great source for leads. Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode Jimena is also a published author, international speaker, and entrepreneur.  She is also the founder of the Wizard Media and Linked Blueprint.  Her company, Wizard Media, was founded in 2012.  It helps businesses leverage search engines and LinkedIn to get more clients.  On average, Jimena’s clients get a ROI of 300% or more on their marketing campaigns and add an additional six figures to their bottom line.  Obviously, she has a lot to offer you today.  Jimena, welcome to the show… Promise: How to Connect with Influencers What I’m going to be talking about today is how to connect