Real Fast Results For Marketing, Business And Entrepreneurs

How to Generate an Unlimited Number of Leads in Your Business with Daven Michaels



Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Today’s special guest is Daven Michaels, who is really a marketing phenomenon in his own right.  He just has a way of grasping marketing opportunities, evaluating them, and ultimately turning them into awesome money-making ventures.  He's definitely going to lay down some incredible wisdom throughout this show. Daven is the owner of 123 Employee, and he has basically made a career out of living the American dream.  In fact, his entrepreneurial career began when he was about 15 years old, and he never looked back.  He’s actually turned multiple passions into prosperous businesses and careers.  For example, he has been a bestselling music and television producer, and he has produced some of the biggest acts that have come through the music business.  As well as being a successful entrepreneur, he’s also a bestselling author and a professional speaker. Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode In addition to everything else, Daven has he