Real Fast Results For Marketing, Business And Entrepreneurs

How To Publish And Profit Publishing Low-Content Guestbooks Fast with Melanie Johnson



Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Today’s episode is filled with very interesting content, especially if you are a publisher or aspire to be one.  Melanie Johnson is today’s special guest.  She is a principal at Elite Online Publishing, a former television personality, and an author as well.  Please welcome Melanie to the show… Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode Promise: How to Publish Guestbooks We’re going to reveal a little, hidden gem that we found through our publishing business.  We found this little gem, this little niche, doing guest books on Amazon.  It’s really an underused niche, which is great.  That’s what you want to look for, a niche where there’s not tons of people in it already.  It’s not super-saturated. [bctt tweet="There seems to be a demand for these books, but there’s a relatively low supply. " username="danielhall"] So, we found this little gem, and we started publishing guestbooks.  We have a bunch of other journals out there, and recipe