Beer Busters

Episode 24: Back to Beersics



Due to some schedule changes amongst us, this episode was recorded on very short notice and we went guest-less for the first time since Episode 4. But fear not, precious listeners! The beerducation and fermented entertainment flow as copiously as ever, even with an empty chair in the studio. We ran down news of a glass-size-scam lawsuit, the return of Dogfish Head 120 Minute and a new Yuengling seasonal. Wayne tested Dan and Steph's memories with a hodge-podge of recycled Happy Fun Time queries from your favorite classic games, some stretching back to the dawn of the Beer Busters era. Steph brought the knowledge in a Know Your Beers segment all about American Wild Ales and we sampled some of those crazy mother- shut yo' mouth! I'm just talkin' 'bout wild ales...