Beer Busters

209: Brü Daddy's Brewing



Joining us for our first podcast in the New Year, is Todd Reinhardt, Brewer at Brü Daddy’s Brewing Company.  We chat about the history of Brü Daddy’s, some medal-winning beer, their new entry into canning, and more. Todd also talks about his brewing history, from working his way into Two Rivers Brewing, then onto Free Will, before landing at Brü Daddy’s. In Happy Fun Time Games, we play a round of There’s Weird in My Beer, a game all about beers with bizarre ingredients. (Which is also available in video form on our YouTube Channel.) All this while Steph sips on an array of Brü Daddy’s brews, and Dan and Wayne polish off some more beers from recently featured brewery, Shy Bear Brewing.   Do you love Beer Busters? Of course you do! Why not leave us a rating and review on your podcast platform of choice and consider supporting us on Patreon.