Diy With Mrl

DIY Firsts, Fails and More



It’s already time for episode 6 of DIY with MRL! Did you know that most people who give up on podcasting, do so around episode #7. I’m trying to improve with each episode, so I know I have to keep going!   Karen Cooper from Dogs Don’t Eat Pizza was our guest this week. Karen talks about how she got her unique blog name, her largest DIY, and even an (almost) DIY failure.  The conversation also goes toward Thrift Store Shopping. Karen explains to gail the difference in Upcycling and Repurposing. Gail realizes that maybe she “plans” DIY differently than many other DIY experts including Karen.  Karen likes to have a plan. Do YOU plan and sketch? Listen to the podcast to get the behind the scenes details of Karen’s favorite repurposed project using old doors from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.  Her project was even featured in This Old House!! Karen wants to encourage anyone and everyone to be brave enough to DIY and use power tools. Gail also made a project from and old door. When given the chance to ask gail