Mile After Mile Podcast

Hair Care and Endurance Sports



My guest today on the Mile after Mile podcast is Nycole Jones. Nycole is a Tricologist who works with many different textures of hair. She calls herself a Glammother.  In this episode we talk about hair care. I learn about different hair textures because I only know my hair.  We talk a little bit about the some of the culture behind the idea that women who take care of their hair don’t exercise.  So that you don’t think I made this up here is a link to a research article about black women, hair care and exercise. Articles like this were common in the early 2000’s which is also when I found my way to endurance sports.  Nycole shares that in her experience women and men will adjust their workout schedule to maintain certain hairstyles and how she suggests making it work because exercise is a part of a healthy lifestyle. She teaches me that I may be washing my hair … pretty much in