Brilliant You Podcast With Janet Zaretsky

09 Deb Beroset - How to Overcome Powerful Mental Roadblocks



Bad news. Neuroscience is working against you as an entrepreneur with ambition. Good news, you can overcome it. If you’re a powerhouse women in business, you know that there are times when you have to really dig deep to get your career to the next level. We’ve all come up against obstacles (big and small) that are triggered by our brain trying to get us to avoid risk. It might look like a fear, self-doubt, lack of confidence, or all of the above.   What you need in order to knock these obstacles to the side is a little bit of moxie - and my guest on this episode of the Brilliant You Podcast has it in spades. And, she’s going to help you get some too! Deb Beroset is a consultant and coach helping experts become influencers, media darlings and thought leaders. She has a background in journalism, storytelling, public relations, and is a certified neurotransformational coach. Through her company, Moxie Creative + Consulting, she helps her clients reach the top of their game. One of the things she sees her clients