Fit Over 40 Challenge

5 Simple Strategies for Shedding 5 Pounds Before Your Next Summer Trip



How would you like to lose 5 pounds before you take off on your next Summer Trip?  In this episode of the "Fit Over 40 Challenge" I give 5 simple strategies to help you shred 5 pounds. These 5 strategies will not only put you on track to lose 5 pounds it will help you keep the weight off and not have the Yo-Yo effect of most diets.  Tip #1 you will learn that just because something says "Diet" it might be causing the opposite effect.  Tip #2 not only will help you lose some weight but give you more energy throughout the day!  Tip # 3 is a pure game changer and I believe the single reason we don't see weight loss.  In tip #4 I explain another reason must people don't see results and by doing this you you will not only see the weight come off you will be boring calories well after your workout.  Finally, tip #5 is pure blunt and true. If you want success and see results you need to do this.  I know I teased you a little here and didn't disclose the tips in writing but I really want you to listen to this episode