Ad Astral Science Fiction Podcast

Ad Astral Episode 5: A Growing Collection



Podcast : Ad AstralEpisode: A Growing CollectionHerbert Scrottins had a hobby and it presented him with the job opportunity of a lifetime. But could there be a catch? ***Written, narrated and voice acted by DJ BurnhamSome of the special effects come from:http://www.freesound.orgA full list of details, links and credits can be found in the shownotes for this episode at http://www.adastralpodcast.comA Growing Collection first appeared on in March 2006 and then in Test Drive (Volume 1 of the collected stories of DJ Burnham) in July 2007. Ad Astralhttp://www.adastralpodcast.comDJ Burnhamhttp://www.djburnham.comAd Astral is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England and Wales License. You can copy and distribute it for non-commercial purposes, but cannot alter the content and must attribute it to DJ Burnham and Ad Astral Podcast. Permissions beyond the scope of this license can be explored by contacting us via Ad