Conscious Millionaire J V Crum Iii ~ Business Coaching Now 7 Days A Week

6: Pilar Ortiz: Utilizing Media to Up Your Game



Pilar is an expert in doing business in the Hispanic community and video marketing.  A social communications expert and journalist, she has worked as a television news anchor and news director. Tampa Hispanic Heritage, Inc. recognized her as the Hispanic Woman of the Year for 2014. She is a professional speaker, a member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), and has a weekly column in 7Días. She provides workshops on effective communication, training in front of the camera or television, and personal motivation. She knows that within every person there’s a star and she’s passionate about helping that star shine.  Inside this FREE “First Millionaire Manifesto”, J V reveals the seven steps to seven figures and how to put more money in the bank, enjoy a richly rewarding life, and make a big difference. Subscribe in iTunes Like this Podcast? Help spread the word. Subscribing and leaving a review helps other business owners and entrepreneurs find our podcast…and make their big difference. They will thank y