Conscious Millionaire J V Crum Iii ~ Business Coaching Now 7 Days A Week

18: Doug Werner: Eastern Secrets to Entrepreneur Health



Doug is a national board certified physician acupuncture and Ayurvedic medical practitioner. He holds a masters degree in medical education and taught anatomy and human biology for Keiser University. He holds a doctorate in “clinical applications of Asian medicine in the Western medical setting,” and has practiced some form of complementary and alternative medicine specialty since 1979. He specializes in wellness therapy utilizing Oriental and Ayruvedic medicine. Inside this FREE “First Millionaire Manifesto”, J V reveals the seven steps to seven figures and how to put more money in the bank, enjoy a richly rewarding life, and make a big difference. Subscribe in ITunes  Like this Podcast? Help spread the word. Subscribing and leaving a review helps other business owners and entrepreneurs find our podcast…and make their big difference. They will thank you for it.   Watch this FREE Video to discover the Secrets to getting in your zone, achieving fast results, and building a high-profit conscious business.