Dishing Disney

Home On The Range



Dishing Disney - Home On The Range We took a couple more months off to plan a wedding and honeymoon, but now we're back and ready to dish some Disney. Today's episode is for Home On The Range, a movie Briana had never seen, and Dustin saw once in the theater with his daughter. It's time for a rewatch and discussion all about these crazy cows and a yodeling cattle robber. Be sure to Like, Share, and Subscribe in your favorite podcast app, Tweet us @dishingdisney, follow in Instagram @dishingdisneypod, and follow us on Facebook here. Dustin & Briana, a couple who love all things Disney, sit down twice a month to discuss and analyze a variety of Disney films and topics with a grownup perspective and an adult sense of humor. Dishing Disney will give film reviews with the memories of a child filtered through an adult frame of mind. So wish upon a star, give a little whistle, and be a part of our world as we explore the Wide World of Disney together!