Wrestling 20 Years Ago Podcast

March 2001 - Volume 2. WWF. THE Road to Wrestlemania X-Seven



In the second of three volumes for this most tumultuous of months, Chris White is joined by Rory McNamara to dedicate just a little bit of time to the small matter of the build to probably the biggest Wrestlemania of all time!   Speaking of all time, they get a contender for Worst Segment Of Forever And Ever out of the way first before looking at how the WWF have prepared us for what we have in store in Houston in just a few short days.   They look at Shane McMahon being all noble and that, the Undertaker being all ignoble and that,a contender for BEST Segment of Forever And Ever and then finish up by predicting the whole card!   Our full review of Wrestlemania lands on April 1st!   (We recommend listening to these three volumes in order!)