Work The System

C(lean) Messaging - Effectively Tell Others How Your Business Can Help Them!



Do you wonder if how you’re describing your business causes potential customers and funders to lose interest in working with you? Today, Scott Brown, having started 8 companies over the last 25 years will help you clean up the way you describe your business. He is the Executive Director of UpRamp, that leads ventures & startup engagement for the global connectivity industry. As an active advisor, investor, and author -- Scott shares his unique blend of startup grit, technology and (C)lean Messaging with startups around the world.   In this episode we discuss: How the C(lean) messaging framework can help founders effectively communicate their ideas. How the customer discovery process can turn the magic of your business into something you can share with other people. How the SABER technique allows you to take your listener’s needs, combine that with something you can do for them, then find a way to express that.   I hope this episode helps you learn how to talk about the business you’ve build and how