Work The System

Physiotherapist to Business Consultant—Thriving with Systems



For business owners, the actual systematic working procedures of the business are usually secondary to the core services provided. However, as a physiotherapist and business systems expert, Robert Moss stresses smooth-running systems are the backbone of any successful enterprise, no matter the industry. Being the best physiotherapist wasn’t enough alone; Robert needed business systemization to thrive. In this episode, Robert Moss—top physio and WTS certified coach—gives us insights into how he applies systemized business design to streamline team management and scale his physiotherapy business. Providing real-world examples from his physio business, Robert delves into the strategic collaborative exercises he uses to identify and solve problems within his team’s workflow and automate marketing processes to ensure regular brand exposure. Diving into the seven key business principles he applies across his company when making decisions, Robert offers actionable insights into how to apply the Japanese concept of