Work The System

How Books Build Credibility as a Thought Leader



Establishing yourself as a thought leader means proving your credibility in solving your customers’ problems. Mitchell Levy, thought leader expert and publishing guru, says that while the democratization of publishing (especially online) has meant anyone can publish any old nonsense, a truly valuable book is priceless in establishing credibility for thought leaders and entrepreneurs. In this episode, Mitchell Levy—global credibility expert—breaks down the tricks to building thought leaders, while explaining how to write an Amazon #1 bestseller to fortify credibility and expand entrepreneurial opportunities. Having published over 850 books and having penned over 60 books himself, TEDx speaker and Amazon #1 best-selling author Mitchell Levy is a true master on how to build credibility on a foundation of books. Inviting listeners to title books according to customer points of pain (C-POP), Mitchell gives a three-step method for pinpointing your C-POPs in strategy meetings and a list of social proof materials