Work The System

Small Business Tax 101: Building Your Financial Team



Taxes feel like the bane of all small businesses. However, according to ex-criminal-tax investigator Senica Evans, the trick to mastering small business tax is in creating a solid financial team and robust tax strategy from the very beginning. In this episode, Senica Evans, expert small business tax specialist, gives us common small business tax mistakes and straightforward strategic tax systems for SMEs. With a background in tax audits and criminal investigation, Senica gives poignant insights into small business tax compliance, state-registration, and IRS red flags. Senica vibrantly shares her own emotional journey of switching sides—from busting tax fraudsters to aiding SMEs in avoiding tax pitfalls. Generously imparting nuggets of wisdom from her eight years as an independent tax consultant, Senica gives actionable advice on hiring contractors vs. employees, hiring family, systemizing finances, finding the right tax advisor, and reducing tax deductions. In this episode we discuss: Common tax mistakes