This Sacred Life With Shann Vander Leek | Soulful Living | Feminine Sovereignty | Wisdom Teachings

Drop your cover and reveal your smart, sexy and spiritual self with Lora Cheadle



Welcome back to This Sacred Life. Every month on the podcast, I share transformational conversations with women who have learned to walk in beauty, with the strength, courage, and pleasure of reclaiming their feminine sovereignty. Women all over the world are rising up to have their voices heard and I invite you to join us in the conversation. Today it's my honor to share a conversation with Lora Cheadle. Lora is the author of FLAUNT! After ten years of practicing corporate law in California and Colorado, she chose to change paths to become the radio host and Life Choreographer® she is today. She is a certified hypnotist, personal trainer, burlesque performer, and yoga instructor, as well as a popular writer for People House magazine and Elephant Journal. She offers “Find Your Sparkle” coaching programs, workshops, and destination retreats and teaches all over the world. Her home base is in Colorado. This goddess shines! Find out more about her work at