Simple Church

Wednesday, January 22, 2020 -Glory



As we continue in our series "Glory", we look at the life of a woman who, through a seeking heart for God and her commitment to the Israelites, became someone who would be woven directly into the lineage of Jesus Christ. We often look down on others for mistakes made in their lives. It seems easy to cast someone off or assume they have used up all the chances to be deemed "beneficial" to God's Kingdom. In reality, we all should be counted as useless in the cause of Christ. Fortunately, God did not see it that way. He has chosen to take even our worst days to further glorify Himself. Rahab had faith and hid the spies. Because of this, her entire life and legacy was rewritten. It is the same when a repentant heart cries out to Jesus for rescue.   Joshua 2; 6:22-25; Matthew 1:5-6; Hebrews 11:31 Dawn Hedgepeth