Simple Church

Wednesday, March 11, 2020



The chosen twelve, Christ's disciples, were ordinary men who answered the call to follow Jesus. All of these men were sinful in nature, just like you and I. Many times during Jesus' ministry they witnessed the very power of God through Jesus and still sinned in ways we sometimes view as shocking. Jesus knew exactly what these men would do and say along the way, but still chose them to carry out a calling that would ultimately change the world through the power of the Holy Spirit.  In our own faith journey, we will not live without sin. The gift of the Holy Spirit is that sin no longer controls us. We are not bound by the sin that destroys; we are liberated through the power of Christ's death and resurrection. We can walk confidently knowing Jesus has equipped us with everything we need to carry out the calling He places on us, if we walk by faith in Him alone.    Matthew 16:13-23; John 11:14-16; John 20:24-28; Matthew 20:20 Ken Nix