Simple Church

Sunday, March 22, 2020



During the time of Paul's ministry, he faced many challenges when trying to spread the gospel to unreached areas. We can follow his journey in scripture and see his focus never changed regardless of his circumstances. His mission was to preach the saving power of Jesus Christ and he was willing to lose his life on earth to spread this message. When he was in prison with Silas, they worshipped under the most detestable conditions. Everyone was listening. Everyone was impacted by the worship that filled the prison. The jailer, in what seemed the worst day of his life, became the day his soul met Christ.  Amid such uncertian times, the world is watching believers everywhere. When things seem bleak and desperate, the world will hear the believers in worship. Hope will be known to be more than a feeling or emotion. The Hope we come to know is a person. His name is Jesus and He is always aware of every situation, working all things for our good and His glory.   Acts 16; Psalm 66 Kenny Nix, Pastor