Start-up Speakeasy

#022 Working Less Without Making Less w/ Jenny Shih



A.C.E. Episode #022 Guest: Jenny Shih     Earlier in her career, Jenny Shih was a project manager working on multi-million dollar engineer based projects, and later realized that helping online service based business owners grow their businesses was her sweet spot.   Using her trained eye from working with a Fortune 500 company, she spotted the need for small business owners to implement systems to avoid overwhelm and leave room to work on big picture business development.   Let’s get one thing straight… A system isn’t: software you use to keep track of things like bookkeeping or email. Then what is it?   A system in your business is a set of steps that you take repeatedly that has been streamlined into a process to save time and be more consistent.    The result is not spending countless hours keeping up with your day-to-day tasks, and leaving you with more mental space to grow your business and time to be creative.   … That has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?   I’m in.   As you can imagine, there are man