Start-up Speakeasy

#026 Pinterest Meets the Creative Biz



Episode #026Guest: Lindsay Goldner Brand Strategist + Graphic Designer  Lindsay is a talented, self-taught Graphic Designer and a Brand Strategist and one of her favorite platforms to drive fresh faces to her website is: Pinterest.   With over 130 Boards and 11,000+ pins, she's an avid pinned to say the least.  She's been an active user for the last three years, and today she shares why she loves Pinterest so much and how she uses it as a tool to drive traffic to her site, collaborate with clients, and spread the word about her visual brand. First things first- Set up your Pinterest account as a business: Sign up for a business account (instead of as a personal user) Verify your website (gives you access to analytics and insights)Another way to see insights is through Tailwind, a free program that tracks where you’re getting the most action which pins are directing people to your site.  This let’s you know what people are responding most so you can focus on that and eliminate what doesn't. Add a 'Pin It' but