Start-up Speakeasy

#030 Getting Others On-Board with Your Crazy Ideas



Episode #030 the Start-Up Speakeasy Guest: Shana LaFore     Shana LaFore started her career in the world of art and furniture design. After managing a high-end design showroom, then later transitioned her sales and business expertise into mentoring other creative types.   In this episode, we talk about how Shana challenges herself to take on big projects and continues to push the limits of her business and the unconventional methods she uses to get the word out and get people on board with her craziest ideas.    6 Steps to Make Your Crazy Ideas Contagious:   1. Step away to get a better perspective on things during the process   2. Tell your story + tell it often   3. Show your passion in your business and others will 'buy in'   4. Be open and honest about it and ask for help   5. Remember, doing what's right on paper doesn't always work   6. Make it easy for your audience + collaborators to share   Walk in their shoes... Make them feel welcome, important and like an honored guest.   -       Make it fun and e