Craft Of Charisma

Justin Stenstrom - Dating for Shy Men



Interview with Justin Stenstrom Justin Stenstrom is a Boston based dating coach, who focuses on dating for shy men. He’s the author of the book “Giving Shy Guys Game,” available on Amazon, as well as a 10 page ebook called the “7 Secrets of Approaching Women during the day,” which you can download for free from his website In this episode we ask Justin: 1. You often describe yourself as a guy who was once shy and lonely. Can you explain what it was like, and how your life has changed? 2. How did you make this change? What was your process? How long did it take? 3. If a man is still early in this journey, where should he start? 4. You’re a big advocate of goal setting. How can men use goal setting to improve their dating lives? 5. You have some interesting thoughts on the benefits of hypnosis and visualization. Discuss how you and your clients have benefited from these tools. 6. If a guy is shy and wants to date more, what are his biggest challenges, and how does he overcome them