Craft Of Charisma

Becoming an Essentialist - with Greg McKeown



Guest Introduction: Greg McKeown is a public speaker and leadership and business consultant. He is the founder and CEO of THIS, Inc., a leadership and strategy design agency based in Silicon Valley. In 2012, The World Economic Forum inducted Greg into the Forum of Young Global Leaders. He is the New York Times bestselling author of the book, “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less.” Interview Summary: In this interview, Greg starts by revealing the question he's been pursuing for the past 20 years: Why is it that otherwise successful people and companies don’t continue to be successful? We ask him what he's discovered through his research. Greg talks about how clarity leads to success and momentum, but also how success can become a catalyst for failure. He emphasizes the importance of learning new mindsets and skill sets to become successful at success. He also presents questions that people can ask themselves to find out if they are caught in the paradox of success. Next, Greg goes into some of th