Craft Of Charisma

Body Language and Behavioral Patterns - with Chase Hughes



Guest Introduction: Chase Hughes is an author and speaker on behavior analysis, body language and behavior engineering. He founded Ellipsis Behavior Laboratories in 2011 and is the creator of the Behavioral Table of Elements. Chase frequently develops new programs for the US Government and offers his skills in training members of anti-human trafficking teams around the world. He is also the author of the best-selling book, “The Ellipsis Manual: Analysis and Engineering of Human Behavior.” Interview Summary: In this interview, Chase begins by explaining how someone can get better at reading the behavior and body language of others. He describes a number of behavioral cues that signify interest and disinterest, specifically in regards to attraction. Chase then talks about why trust is so important in the courtship process, and reveals common signals of trust. He also explains how to tell when someone is becoming less interested. Next, we ask Chase how people can mitigate anxiety and stop giving off mixed me