Craft Of Charisma

Developing Awareness - with Brian Tom O'Connor



Guest Introduction: Brian Tom O’Connor is an actor, theater director, cabaret performer, and formerly depressed guy who stumbled onto the source of joy and happiness in the background of all experience. He is the author of the book, “Awareness Games: Playing With Your Mind to Create Joy.” Interview Summary: In this interview, Brian starts by discussing his background and where he got the idea for his book. He talks about how he suffered from depression for many years, and through his quest to change, discovered the concept of non-duality. We ask Tom to share what he learned from studying non-duality. He describes the process of self-inquiry, the importance of acceptance and love, and where happiness comes from. He then defines awareness and explains how it's both similar and different from mindfulness and meditation. Next, Tom walks us through a short game from his book, called "Expanding and Contracting Awareness". We ask him what people might experience when they first start playing awareness games. Tom