Craft Of Charisma

Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life - with Gary John Bishop



Guest Introduction: Gary John Bishop is a leading Personal Development expert and coach who has impacted thousands of people worldwide. He is known for using an "urban philosophy" approach to coaching and transformation that represents a new wave within personal empowerment and life mastery. He’s been able help people get, what many would would describe as, miraculous results in the quality of their life and in their performance of the areas of their life that matter most to them.
 Gary is the bestselling author of the book “Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life.” Interview Summary: In this interview, Gary begins by discussing his journey into personal development and coaching. He talks about confronting and challenging behavior that he once thought was acceptable, but came to realize it wasn't. Gary then defines what awareness means to him, and describes how he developed more awareness to the way he showed up to the people around him. He also explains how self-righteousness fractures ou