Craft Of Charisma

Finding Your Soulmate - with Anthony Recenello



Guest Introduction: Anthony Recenello is a New York Times featured social and dating expert, and the founder of Wolf and Garden, a company that helps successful men become iconic bachelors and meet their soulmates. Interview Summary: In this interview, Anthony begins by revealing some of the common issues that come up with his clients. He explains how most social and dating problems are manifestations of fears and insecurities. He then discusses how he started out teaching social skills to children and discipline to parents. Anthony describes what effective discipline entails. He talks about how childhood discipline carries over to our adult lives. He also discusses the differences between those who know how to deal with their emotions, and those who don't. Anthony goes more in depth on controlling and mastering emotions. As an example, he walks us through the process he would use if he wanted to feel happy. We then ask Anthony where a guy should start if he has little or no dating experience. He talks ab