Le Guru Is You! Radio

Le Guru is You! Radio - Episode 37 - Guru Karu



Teaching us the simple "Smiling Meditation" Guru Karu shares the concept of practicing joy in our lives, that all is always well and of taking time to take care of ourselves on all levels.  She extols the virtue of staying present,keeping our inspirations simple and that holding a 'grudge' just might be a kind of 'poison' to each of us.------------------------For those that want to avail themselves of Karu's acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine practice  check in with her on her website at; http://www.feelbetterkauai.com/------------------------ Support Le Guru is You! Radio by subscribing to the pod cast on iTunes and leave us a review while you're there! Every week a new guru, every week a new inspiration in the everyday! It's time for you to take on your role as Guru! Call us today and set up an interview! Help us keep LGIY! Radio up and running! - Tell your friends! Donations are gratefully accepted