Noir Talk

Ep 15: NOIR CITY Hollywood, Book Vs Film Adaptations, and A Touch Of Mancini, with Brian Light



NOIR CITY Hollywood showrunner Brian Light joins us to discuss the festival's 20th edition, as well as some of his articles for the NOIR CITY e-magazine. We start with some behind-the-scenes details of how the festival is organized, and we delve into some of this year's screenings: James Ellroy appearing with LA Confidential to receive the FNF's "Modern Noir Master" award; a triple bill from director Joseph Losey; and a pair of 1950s rarities, The Turning Point and The Scarlet Hour, in newly restored presentations courtesy of Paramount Pictures (1:50). Brian's numerous "Book vs Film" articles for NOIR CITY include "La Chienne vs Scarlet Street," a comparison of the 1920s French novel with two film versions, Jean Renoir's French adaptation and Fritz Lang's noir classic Scarlet Street. Brian details how hard it was to track down an English translation of the novel, as well as the differences between the two films in their overall tone and endings (17:30). "Scoring Evil: The Henry Mancini Touch" dives into o