Retro Vgm Revival Hour




Whether or not you believe that computer games are the better format to play games, to me its not about that, an awesome video game is an awesome video game no matter what you use to play it. And out of the majority of game soundtracks that are out there that focus on current or retro consoles, I don’t really see much emphasis on Computer game soundtracks. So I took it upon myself to dedicate this STAGE on COMPUTER GAMES, now this will mostly focus on classic PC games of the past, so I hope you got your floppy disks handy and are ready, because once you hit that ENTER key, you'll be in for one amazing experience giving much love and honor to these amazing tracks. Game - Composer - Title - Year - Company - System *Secret of Monkey Island - Michael Land & Patrick Mundy - “Main Theme" - October 1990 -Lucasfilm Games/ LucasArts (DISTRIBUTED BY: Electronic Arts) - Amiga *Rise of the Triad: Dark War - Robert Prince & Lee Jackson - “Suck This” - February 17, 1995 - Apogee Software - MS DOS *Utopia: The Crea