Retro Vgm Revival Hour




In video Games We all like to immerse ourselves as much as we can with whatever game we are playing. To see ourselves as the hero. To become part of a world where we can be heroes, kings, warriors, and doing whatever we can as we conquer, save and survive extraordinary adventures in faraway lands. This particular type of game is not one you dip into from time to time. This is the type of game that you fully invest yourself deeply into a world filed with an ocean of possibilities. So Pick your character class, choose your weapons and recruit your comrades Because this STAGE in the retro VGM revival hour is going to cover RPG games. =====Game - Composer - Title - Year - Company - System==== 1.) Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Ryuji Sasai & Yasuhiro Kawakami - “Boss Battle Theme (Battle Theme 02)" - October 5, 1992 - SQUARE - SNES 2.) Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (Sekaiju no Meikyū IV: Denshō no Kyojin) - Yuzo Koshiro - “battlefield: storm” - July 5, 2012 - Atlus - Nintendo 3DS 3.) Cladun: This i